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LELY Feeding robot by AT Collections. Keep your cows happy with a healthy diet!
Set of two Holstein cows by Globe Kids Farming. Nicely details cows that fit very well on a 1:32 scale farm. The cows are sisters but not one is grazing while the other one looks up.
The same cows are available as red cows as well.
Set of two Holstein cows by Globe Kids Farming. Nicely details cows that fit very well on a 1:32 scale farm. The cows are sisters but not one looks to the right, the other one to the left.
Set of 12 Holstein cows (Kids Globe). 4 grazing, 4 standing and 4 laying. Fits nicely with every 1:32 dairy operation.
Lely Astronaut A5 mikling robot for the carpet farmer. No need to get up early or go home early to milk the cows! Gates open and close and the control chamber opens and shows all details like the real machine!
Figure and cows not included!
LELY Discovery Collector manure robot. Keep your barn clean with this handy robot. Your cows will like it! And it cleans while you're sleeping! Model by AT Collections.
Boumatic Gemini mikling robot for the carpet farmer. No need to get up early or go home early to milk the cowsallmade of metal
Cows not included!