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Lanz Alldog Geräteräger 1951-1960. The complete history of the Lanz tractors built in this period of time.
135 pages A4 format hard bound German written author: Kurt Häfner Publisher: Kosmos Out of stock
Lanz halb diesel, volldiesel bulldogs 1952-1967. The complete history of the Lanz tractors built in this period of time.
172 pages A4 format hard bound German written author: Kurt Häfner Publisher: Kosmos In stock
Lanz halb diesel, volldiesel bulldogs 1952-1967. The complete history of the Lanz tractors built in this period of time.
192 pages A4 format hard bound German written author: Kurt Häfner Publisher: Kosmos In stock
Lanz Bulldog-Holzgas-, Raupen, Nachkriegs-Bulldogs von 1942 bis 1955.
History of the Lanz Bulldog tractors of the 1942 - 195 period.
165 pages A4 format hard bound German written author: Kurt Häfner Publisher: Kosmos In stock
Lanz Firmenchronik, Dampfmaschinen, Benzinzugmaschinen, Verdampfer-Bulldogs von 1859 bis 1929.
First part of an extensive documentation of the Lanz history.
253 pages A4 format hard bound German written author: Kurt Häfner Publisher: Kosmos Out of stock
Lanz Bulldog-Prospekte von 1952 bis 1962.
Collection of Lanz Bulldog sales literature of the 1952 - 1962 period.
173 pages A4 format hard bound German written author: Kurt Häfner Publisher: Kosmos In stock
Landmaschinen-Prospekte Lanz von 1935 bis 1945.
Collection of Lanz implement sales literature of the 1935 - 1945 period.
173 pages A4 format hard bound German written author: Michael Karle - Kurt Häfner Publisher: Kosmos In stock
Lanz Bulldog Ackerschlepper, Straßenzugmaschinen 1928-55
Introduction of the history of Lanz Bulldog tractors. Furthermore primarily a good overview of the different models based on original sales literature.
93 pages 19,5 * 21 cm hard bound German written Publisher: Schrader Verlag Author: Hubert Häusler In stock
Alle Traktoren von Lanz Typen und Daten
Complete survey of all the tractors that were made by Lanz. Besides the glow bulb tractors are also included the steam engines and gasoline powered tractors where it all began with. Lots of background information but also extensive technical details per tractor model.