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    If you are as Mad about Vintage Tractors as Robbie Thorpe, you don’t want to just look at them, you want to work them. For that you need implements, ideally ones of the same age as the tractors.  Robbie has been collecting those for nearly as long as he has tractors, and in this DVD we take a look at some of the kit in his collection, and some ‘new’ old machines as he discovers them and puts them to work.

    Using at least three different Fordson tractors, a Grey Fergie, a John Deere rowcrop, a Ransomes small-holder’s crawler, an International BTD6 crawler and several others, he works a variety of cultivation gear, including a Howard Rotavator, a massive Ransomes Twin-way reversible plough and a home-made duck-foot harrow.  There’s also a fine old Welger baler, a Vicon Lely hay tedder, a Russell drill, a Howard Rota-Spreader and a Wilder beet topper, but perhaps the star of the show is a Catchpole Cadet beet lifter.  Seen first in a field corner, with a tree growing up through the works, we see it through to its first beet crop for many years, working alongside the very latest modern equivalent.

    This is a DVD for anyone who understands how one can get to be Mad about Vintage Tractors – and Vintage Implements! Volume 1 also available and to buy as a set.
















    • Runningtime 94 minutes
    • English spoken
    • Publisher: Prime Time Video
    €18,18 excluding shipping
    Out of stock



    Kramer - Die Allesschaffer vom Bodensee

    This DVD shows the history of the Kramer tractor from the 4 hp grasmower up to the 1014 bi-directional tractor. Also the K45, the flagship of it's days and primarily made for export is portraied.

     60 minutes

    German spoken

    €20,66 excluding shipping
    In stock



    Allgaier - Vom Verdampfer zum Volksschlepper

    This DVD shows the main players in the Allgaier tractor history from the R18 up to the A40 evaporative coolers and AP 17 to the A 144 aircooled tractors.

    60 minutes

    German spoken

    €20,66 excluding shipping
    In stock



    Ritscher - Vom Dreirad zum MultitracUnimog

    This DVD shows the history of the north German tractor manufacturer Ritscher. From the rare 40 ho tractor up to the Multitrac toolcarrier.

    60 minutes

    German spoken

    €20,66 excluding shipping
    In stock



    Eicher: Vom Einheitsschlepper zu den Raubtieren

    This DVD shows the develpment that the Eicher tractor went through. Part through original footage.

    45 minutes

    German spoken

    €20,66 excluding shipping
    In stock



    Fahr - Vom ersten Ackerschlepper bis zur Europareihe.

    Johann Georg Fahr staertet his company in 1870. In 1938 the company introduced it's first tractor, the F22. This DVD shows the history of the red tractors from Gottmadingen. Fahr was later taken over by Deutz Fahr which led Deutz into the world of combines.

    50 minutes

    German spoken

    €20,66 excluding shipping
    In stock

    Eicher im Einsatz


    Eicher im Einsatz













    This DVD shows a range of Eicher tractors at workin Germany.


     Tiger, Königstiger, Mammut and many others






















    80 minutes, German spoken, Podszun publication.










    Models shown are:


    • Fendt 3850 AL
    • Fendt 6300 C
    • Claas Super Automatic S
    • Claas SF
    • Claas Matatdor standard
    • Claas Mercator 75
    • Claas Dominator 76
    • Claas Dominator 198SL Maxi
    • Claas Lexion 460/480
    • Claas Lexion 530
    • Claas 760 Terratrac
    • JD 339
    • JD 940
    • JD 865H
    • JD 2266E
    • JD 9880 STS
    • Case IH 1680
    • MH 630
    • MF 187
    • MF 34
    • MF 36 S
    • MF Cerea 7274
    • MF Beta 7270
    • MF Centora 7282
    • MF Fortia 9895
    • NH TX 36
    • NH CR 980
    • Deutz Fahr M 66TS
    • Deutz Fahr M 980
    • Deutz Fahr M 1620H
    • Deutz Fahr M 2780 H
    • Deutz Fahr 5690 HTS


    • Running time 70 minutes
    • German spoken 
    •  Published by Podszun























    €24,71 excluding shipping
    Out of stock









    DVD in the Mad About series looks at vintage tractors. We look at a collection of 40 vintage tractors owned by machinery enthusiast Robbie Thorpe. The machinery is seen ploughing, cultivating, drilling, cutting grass & weeds, lifting potatoes and many other seasonal jobs. Tractors at work include Fordson, Fergy, David Brown, John Deere, Allis Chalmers, International, Caterpillar, Track Marshall, JCB, and many others.


    For a preview, click the logo:









    • Runningtime 90 minutes
    • English spoken
    • Publisher: Prime Time Video
    €18,18 excluding shipping
    In stock

    After the Storm Part Tw0


    After the Storm Part Two


     In the second of his two-part programme Lars von Rosen shows more machines at work in southern Sweden in 2005. Among the processors shown are an Atlas Königstiger and a Timbco Logmax 5000. Exciting footage shows Timberjack skidders operated by Bosnian contractors. Transporters include models from Sisu, Saurer and MAN. Perhaps the most striking scenes are those showing cranes and Svetrucks at huge timber stores, a paper mill and the Baltic port of Sölvesborgs


    English spoken

    85 minutes running time

    Old Pond publication

    €18,18 excluding shipping
    In stock

    After the Storm Part One


    After the Storm Part One



    A wide range of timber processors, loglifts, trucks, forwarders and quayside cranes is seen working in Sweden to clear forest devastation following a storm in January 2005. Storm ‘Gudrun’ felled 250 million trees overnight following which contractors and machines were brought in from all over Europe to clear up.

    Machinery enthusiast Lars von Rosen organised the professional filming of some of the more interesting equipment at work. He starts his programme with some of the earlier machines still at work: a 1973 Pika timber processor, a 1971 SMV hauler and a Weserhutte HW 70 tracked excavator from 1970. The rest of the programme deals with modern machines, starting with two Mantsinen dock cranes loading timber at the port of Halmstad. Back in the forest a Timberpro processor, a MAN timber trailer and two CAT 574s combine to show the capability of modern bulk-handling equipment. Part One finishes with a Liebherr 932 loading railway trucks.

    The edited version of this Swedish programme is being released in English in two parts.


    English spoken

    83 minutes running time

    Old Pond publication

    €18,18 excluding shipping
    In stock



    Loggers from chainsaw to sawmill in British Columbia


    The steep, boulder-strewn terrain of Vancouver Island makes special demands on the logging operation run by Hayes Forest Services. The fallers use chainsaws on timber that can have a trunk diameter of 7ft or more in work that is dangerous but exhilarating. For yarding, the company uses equipment that ranges from 19th-century technology derived from shipping to the most modern machines. The timber is extracted by truck, train and helicopter.
    During a six-week stay in British Columbia, Dylan Winter filmed all these facets of the enterprise as well as a dry land sort and the Somas mill. He looked, too, at some of the support operations including road maintenance, bridge-building and blasting.


    English spoken

    85 minutes running time

    Old Pond publication

    €18,18 excluding shipping
    Out of stock

    Defining History


    Among the machines in this American DVD are a John Deere Armored A, M-H 21A combine, Farmall 560 and A-C D-19 Beachmaster. Also included: Lauson 20-40, Farmall F-20, JD LA, Ford-Ferguson 2N, Earthmaster CH, Oliver Super 88, Case 930, M-M G-1000 Vista.

    English spoken

    90 minutes running time

    €16,53 excluding shipping
    In stock





    From the makers of the award winning Farming on Film series comes this fascinating new archive video showing life on a Sussex Farm at the time of significant change.

    More than 30 men were employed at harvest, with a range of machinery including several tractors, binders, reapers, a threshing set and a flax puller seen at work. Stacks were made and thatched by hand, with the aid of a boom and grab to lift the hay from the carts. Crops featured include cereals, flax, hay and silage as well as root crops for winter feed. A unique look back at a time when the English countryside was a busier place.

    Written & narrated by Alan Stennett.


    Running time 55 minutes

    English spoken


    This is a Primetime Video production

    €16,53 excluding shipping
    In stock











    Gangs of men and women are seen hard at work in the fields, doing jobs that have now long since been mechanised. Horses are still plentiful, and a steam threshing set was hard at work, but Farmall tractors, IH crawlers and the combines are gradually taking over. The cropping included grains for sale and for the livestock; beet, peas and potatoes as cash crops, and fodder beet for the Lincoln Red cattle kept on the farm.

    As the ‘boys’ look back at Farming in Father’s Day, we too can enjoy a unique glimpse of a style of farming that has gone for ever.


    Runing time 55 minutes.

    English spoken.


    This is a Primetime Video production.


    A family farm, on the Fenland border of Norfolk and Cambridgeshire, was a busy place in the 1940s and 50s. The farmer was an enthusiastic user of new machinery, including an International tractor bought in 1928 and a Cockshutt combine acquired in 1947, but he was also a great fan of heavy horses, particularly the traditional East Anglian breed, the Suffolk Punch. Fortunately for history and for us, he was also a keen cameraman, who filmed life and work on the farm.
    With the help of his sons, who farm on the same land today, this DVD shows their father’s farm at a crucial stage in its history.


    For a preview, click the logo:


    €16,53 excluding shipping
    In stock

    Oliver & Minneapolis Moline


    Oliver & Minneapolis Moline


    American-built tractors have a special attraction for British enthusiasts. They tend to be rarer than home-produced models, and they often came here in times of national crisis such as the two World Wars. Both Minneapolis-Moline and Oliver were the result of mergers between the wars, and many arrived on British farms as part of the WW2 Lend-Lease deal between Britain and the USA.

    The tractors in this production were filmed over two consecutive Carrinton Rallies in Lincolnshire, and many came with the stories of the farms they worked on and the people who worked with them. They include all four of the size types in the war-time MM range, as well as an LPG-powered GTC from the 1950s and an exotically styled Jetstar from the 60s. MM implements include the Tumblebug plough and a fully restored windrower. The Oliver tractors on display show how the company progressed from early Hart-Parr examples to the streamlined machines of the late 30s and 40s, as well as solid rowcrop and conventional workhorses. One rare example is a diesel-powered 80, one of a very small number built for the American market. These are among the tractors that helped feed Britain at a time of crisis, and found fans among both farm workers and tractor enthusiasts.


    Running time 56 minutes.

    English spoken.


    This is a Primetime Video production.

    €16,53 excluding shipping
    In stock

    1930 Tractor Trials


    1930 Tractor Trials


    The World Agricultural Tractor Trials of 1930 were a major event in the history of farm tractors in Britain. 36 tractors, from seven different countries, ranging from massive crawlers to three motor cultivators for market gardeners, were brought to one site in Oxfordshire.

    Among the machines to be seen are five of the earliest Caterpillar models, a four-wheel drive French Latil, three Peter Brotherhood tractors, a Vickers Aussie, two Swedish Munktells, a Linke crawler from Gernany and what is probably the only Hungarian-British HCSC in the world, as well as machines from Case, Massey Harris, Marshall and one of the few failures of the trials, the Fordson Model N, which went on to be one of the world's most successful tractors. Written and narrated by Alan Stennett.


    Running time 56 minutes.

    English spoken.


    This is a Primetime Video production.

    €16,53 excluding shipping
    In stock



    FARMING ON FILM THREE 1947 to 1979


    Farming has been 'The Basic Industry' ever since man started growing his own food rather than gathering it from the wild, but the description took on special meaning in Britain during the wars of the 20th century, when enemy action looked like blocking our supplies from overseas. In the years after WWII, the nation decided that it could never take that risk again, and encouraged farmers to modernise and increase output.

    This DVD uses archive motion picture film from the 1940s to the 1970s, often taken by the farmers themselves, to show how farming responded to that call by introducing new machinery, techniques and marketing that reduced the need for man- and horse-power in the fields and on the farms. Rare archive coverage of the first post-war Royal Show in 1947, sets the scene for the changes that are to come. Early material includes a traditional pig-killing, teaching farming techniques to 1950s schoolboys, potato planting by hand and early sugar beet lifting machinery.

    The modernisation of green pea harvesting and beet and potato production, the change from extensive to intensive livestock production and innovations in material handling are all covered by films that show historic machinery hard at work in the right settings for their time. DVD written and narrated by Alan Stennett


    Runing tume 55 minutes

    English spoken


    This is a Primetime Video production

    €16,53 excluding shipping
    In stock

    FARMING ON FILM ONE - 1930 to 1960


    FARMING ON FILM ONE - 1930 to 1960


    The Second World War was a watershed in British farming. In the 1930s, the skilled human hand and the power of the horse still reigned supreme; but in the rush to produce food to beat the U-boats, traditional methods were swept away. Fifteen years after the war, sophisticated new implements and the concentrated, tireless work of the tractor had all but replaced them.

    Drawing on archive film shot entirely on working farms in Lincolnshire, 'Farming on Film 1930-60' DVD records the change from the days of the scythe, the horse-drawn binder and the steam threshing set to the all consuming combine, and from the traditional mixed farming to the large specialised units of recent years.

    DVD highlights include footage of local and county shows, a primitive Claas combine, a gyrotiller at work, steam threshing and ploughing, and a wartime cattle market. Also featured is early daffodil and tulip farming and the famous Spalding Flower Parade. The real stars though are the farmers and farmhands, working in all conditions and all weathers to do what farmers have done for years - care for the land and bring home the harvest.


    Runing time 55 minutes

    English spoken


    This is a Primetime Video production

    €16,53 excluding shipping
    In stock




    The town of King's Lynn lies on the banks of the River Ouse and is surrounded by rich farming land. It's key position as a market produce and as a centre for export meant it was at the heart of the local agricultural industry. It is also uniquely placed between the loamy soils of the uplands and the dark peat of the fen. Over the years the landscape has changed dramatically, most notably during the large scale drainage of th fenland. This made previously un-usable swamp land the most productive agricultural land in the country. However, whilst draining of the fen brought more land into production, it also created problmes for the farmers.

    There have been many changes in the farming industry. Working methods have moved from hand worked strip farming during medieval periods to the intensive mechanical methods used today. Transportation has also adapted from horse drawn wagons across rutted droves to trains taking milk to London.

    Over the years agriculture has continually developed and changed, and this is illustrated in this documentary. An Audrey Muriel Stratford Charitable Trust Presentation by Robert Fuller Associates.


    Running time 58 minutes

    English spoken


    This is a Prime Time Video production

    €16,53 excluding shipping
    In stock

    Tractorworld 2008


    Tractorworld 2008 pays special attention to the Case IH Puma 210, Claas Axion 240, Fendt 820 and the Swiss Rigitrac. Images of the tractors at work, production facilities and opinions of users are mixed with images of farming world wide from sugar cane harvest to maize harvest.

    A special chapter on the global world of tractors also shows Russian tractors and tractors in Argentina at work and demonstrations at the French Inov Agri show. Also presented are the factories of Deutz Fahr, Landini and New Holland.

    The final chapter presents the German tractor test facility at Gross Umstadt.


    • German and English spoken
    • 80 minutes running time
    €25,21 excluding shipping
    In stock

    American Tractor 1900-2000


    American Tractor 1900-2000 presents the histtory of 100 years of  American Farm tactors. Including the world's largest tractor ever built, the  Big Bud 747 and the latest developement of the 20th century, the tractor on rubber tracks.



     This DVD presents the following tractors:


    • 1913 Rumley Oil Pull
    • 1917 IHC Titan (30-60)
    • 1924 Fordson
    • 1927 Farmall Regular
    • 1928 John Deere
    • 1933 Allis Chalmers (WC)
    • 1927 Oliver (70)
    • 1941 Minneapolis Moline
    • 1942 Farmall (H)
    • 1955 Massey Harris (55)
    • 1965 John Deere (4020)
    • 1976 Case (Bi-Centennial)
    • 1977 Big Bud 747
    • 1996 Caterpillar (55)


    Professional filming by Classic Tractor Fever.

    Running time 75 minutes, English spoken.

    €16,53 excluding shipping
    Out of stock

    Orange Spectacular


    At the Larry Karg Farm in Hutchinson, Minnesota, people gather with a singular passion, a love of Allis-Chalmers tractors. In this American DVD, Brian Baxter brings you the highlights from the 15th Annual Orange Spectacular, showcasing models such as: the 1964 D-19 Beachmaster, the 1968 HD-21 crawler, and the British-made 1979 D-272 High-Crop.

    €16,53 excluding shipping